Giving usa 2020 infographic

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Colouring the Narrative: How to Use Storytelling to Create Social Change in Skin Shade Ideals in India (e-course).Colouring the Narrative in India and Malaysia.Report: BMI Surveillance De-Implementation.Report: STRIPED Roadmap for Addressing Weight Stigma in Public Health.State-Specific Costs of Eating Disorders.Report: Economic Costs of Eating Disorders.World Eating Disorders Action Day Webinar 2021.State-Specific Economic Costs of Eating Disorders.Promote Eating Disorders Prevention in Schools.Prohibit Sale & Use of Liquid Silicone for Cosmetic Injections.CROWN Act: Ban Natural Hair Style Discrimination.Diet Pills & Muscle-Building Supplements: Ban Sale to Children.Putting the STRIPED Advocacy Playbook to work.Eating Disorder Prevention Symposium (April 2018).“Dietary Supplements and Eating Disorders: Keeping Your Patients Safe” Six-Part Training for Healthcare Providers.Webinar: Screening, Symptom Recognition & Referral to Treatment for Eating Disorders in Pediatric Primary Care Settings.

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Eating Disorders & Body Confidence Advocacy Day.Facebook Live Interview with Jameela Jamil.Stress, Disordered Eating and Mental Health Symposium.Disordered Eating, Body Image & Community Mental Health in Malaysia.Disordered Eating and Skin Shade Dissatisfaction in Young Adults in Singapore and Malaysia.Social and Economic Costs of Eating Disorders.Creating a Body Positive School Environment.

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